Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Surburban exploring

Kings Park Psychiatric Center is one of my favorite places to take photos on Long Island.  This is a photo of my friend Katie before we went inside that building.  The inside of the buildings are even more interesting than the outsides.  I want to eventually do a series of photographs at Kings Park before they knock the buildings down, which I'm hoping they'll put off like they've been.  I sort of feel like this image looks like an HDR photo, but it was just the way I edited the levels.

Monday, December 12, 2011

ASMP Workshop

Attending the ASMP Workshop was very helpful to me.  I considered not going that night because I had a lot of work due and it was raining and gross out, but I would have definitely regretted not going.  A lot of the questions that were asked were very helpful.  It was a relief to hear that the biggest concerns should be money investing and self promoting.  Although it probably seems easier than it actually is.  I hope for more workshops like that in the future.  I really enjoyed it and would definitely go to more.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Night Photography

Last week I had a lot of fun shooting my night time photo assignment for my Black and White Film photo class, so I decided to take a few photos with my digital camera.  I feel like the this photo is similar to one of Gregory Crewdson because of the lighting.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Favorite photo

If I had to choose one of my favorite photos I've ever taken, this one would definitely be at the top of my list.  I'm actually not even too sure of why I like it so much, but I think it has to do with the depth and the colors.  This spot is also a really perfect place to take photos.  It is very scenic.

Jim Lennon's Studio Visit

Visiting Jim Lennon's studio on Monday was such a wonderful experience.  I actually wish I could have stayed longer so I could continue to learn about this man and his career.  Him and his wife are two great examples of why I have hope in being a successful photographer.  I was truly amazed at how organized they were and how they know exactly what they're doing.  Jim Lennon's studio was absolutely beautiful.  It was everything I could only hope to have one day.  Their business plan seemed like it worked so well for them and that's also something I could only hope to have.  This visit only makes me want to visit and learn about more photographers on Long Island/in Manhattan or Brooklyn.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


A photograph I took of Vans sneakers at a different perspective.  My favorite thing about this photo is the shallow depth of field.  I think if the laces were tied nicely, I'd like this photo a lot more.  This photo was initially taken for one of my Digital I class assignments.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Summer Ends

I took these photos toward the end of the summer, but just edited them recently and created a triptic.  I'm going to do more of these because I enjoyed it and I think I could have made this one a bit better.  This was taken in Port Jefferson.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Management

As I just finished my time management ditto and filled almost the whole thing out tonight when I should have did it day by day, I've realized that I really need to improve with time management.  I almost always save everything for the last minute because I'm convinced that I'm good at working well under pressure.  Also, this past week I've been sleeping later than normally because I've been sick and I really don't want to develop the habit of waking up late all the time on my days off from school.

Kings Park Water Tower

This is another old image.  It was taken at the end of January of this year.  It's much different from all of my other posts.  It is my favorite landscape photo that I've ever taken.  I photographed this with the fisheye lens that I had just bought.  This is a photograph of the water tower at Kings Park Psychiatric Center.  It has become one of my favorite spots to photograph both people and landscapes.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Juicy Couture

I aspire to work in fashion photography.  For my project, I took a photograph of my friend, Karisa, modeling a Juicy Couture hat.  I think it would be too simple for Vogue, but it definitely looks somewhat like an advertisement.  I'd love other opinions/criticism.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Old photograph

I obviously didn't take this photograph recently, considering it hasn't snowed yet, but I took it in January of this year.  It's one of my favorite portraits I've ever taken.  I plan on using it in my portfolio when I apply for other colleges.  There are a few things I wish I could change about the photograph, but for the most part I am content with it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Film photography

Unfortunately, my scanner didn't work so I had to take a photograph of a photograph with my cell phone.  But this was the final print to my third project in my B&W photography class.  The assignment was to capture motion in either a blurred, panning or stop motion sense.  I did try all three, but this was by far my favorite photograph.

Friday, October 7, 2011

In front of the camera

I helped my good friend, Rebecca Lader, by modeling for her at the beginning of the week for one of her class assignments.  I'm not usually a subject in photographs because I'd honestly rather be taking them.  She talked me into it though and we were successful.  She is currently a photography major who studies at FIT.  This was taken for a social issues project and was photographed at Kings Park Psychiatric Center.

These are 3 of my favorite ones that she took.  She has recently created a website for her photography where she has displayed a lot of her work.  I will leave the link below and highly suggest that you take a look at her photography.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oscar the dog

This is a photograph I took of my neighbor's dog who stayed with us for the weekend.  I took this with my iPhone and edited it using an app called Instagram.  I couldn't get over how funny he looked and while I was editing it I knew I had to make only his head in focus with everything else blurred.  Instagram is probably my favorite app on my iPhone and can pretty much make anyone seem like a photographer.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

Taking my 35mm out today to the north shore to shoot some photographs for my B&W Photography class.  The sun is currently shining through my window therefore I'm very anxious to get going.