Sunday, October 30, 2011

Juicy Couture

I aspire to work in fashion photography.  For my project, I took a photograph of my friend, Karisa, modeling a Juicy Couture hat.  I think it would be too simple for Vogue, but it definitely looks somewhat like an advertisement.  I'd love other opinions/criticism.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Old photograph

I obviously didn't take this photograph recently, considering it hasn't snowed yet, but I took it in January of this year.  It's one of my favorite portraits I've ever taken.  I plan on using it in my portfolio when I apply for other colleges.  There are a few things I wish I could change about the photograph, but for the most part I am content with it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Film photography

Unfortunately, my scanner didn't work so I had to take a photograph of a photograph with my cell phone.  But this was the final print to my third project in my B&W photography class.  The assignment was to capture motion in either a blurred, panning or stop motion sense.  I did try all three, but this was by far my favorite photograph.

Friday, October 7, 2011

In front of the camera

I helped my good friend, Rebecca Lader, by modeling for her at the beginning of the week for one of her class assignments.  I'm not usually a subject in photographs because I'd honestly rather be taking them.  She talked me into it though and we were successful.  She is currently a photography major who studies at FIT.  This was taken for a social issues project and was photographed at Kings Park Psychiatric Center.

These are 3 of my favorite ones that she took.  She has recently created a website for her photography where she has displayed a lot of her work.  I will leave the link below and highly suggest that you take a look at her photography.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oscar the dog

This is a photograph I took of my neighbor's dog who stayed with us for the weekend.  I took this with my iPhone and edited it using an app called Instagram.  I couldn't get over how funny he looked and while I was editing it I knew I had to make only his head in focus with everything else blurred.  Instagram is probably my favorite app on my iPhone and can pretty much make anyone seem like a photographer.