Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Surburban exploring

Kings Park Psychiatric Center is one of my favorite places to take photos on Long Island.  This is a photo of my friend Katie before we went inside that building.  The inside of the buildings are even more interesting than the outsides.  I want to eventually do a series of photographs at Kings Park before they knock the buildings down, which I'm hoping they'll put off like they've been.  I sort of feel like this image looks like an HDR photo, but it was just the way I edited the levels.

Monday, December 12, 2011

ASMP Workshop

Attending the ASMP Workshop was very helpful to me.  I considered not going that night because I had a lot of work due and it was raining and gross out, but I would have definitely regretted not going.  A lot of the questions that were asked were very helpful.  It was a relief to hear that the biggest concerns should be money investing and self promoting.  Although it probably seems easier than it actually is.  I hope for more workshops like that in the future.  I really enjoyed it and would definitely go to more.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Night Photography

Last week I had a lot of fun shooting my night time photo assignment for my Black and White Film photo class, so I decided to take a few photos with my digital camera.  I feel like the this photo is similar to one of Gregory Crewdson because of the lighting.